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About the Canadian Society of Medievalists

The Canadian Society of Medievalists/Société canadienne des médiévistes is a scholarly association dedicated to promoting excellence in research and teaching in all fields of medieval studies. The Society holds an annual conference during the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences and publishes the peer-reviewed scholarly journal Florilegium, which is available via the University of Toronto Press and via Project MUSE.  Florilegium is included in the membership, as is Scrinium, the Society’s biannual newsletter. While CSM/SCM is based in Canada, its membership is international.

Officers of the CSM

President (2024-26)

Shannon McSheffrey (Concordia University


Vice-President (2024-26)

Donna Trembinski (St Francis Xavier University)


Past President  (2024-26)

Siobhain Bly Calkin Carleton University, siobhain[DOT]calkin[AT]carleton[DOT]ca

Secretary-Treasurer (2023-25)

Emily Hutchison (Mount Royal University


Florilegium Editor (2020-2025)

David Watt (University of Manitoba florilegium[AT]utpress[DOT]utoronto[DOT]ca)

Florilegium Co-editors, French (2025)

Sébastien Rossignol Memorial University of Newfoundland


Christine McWebb (University of Waterloo)

CSM Webmaster (2021-25)

John A. Geck Memorial University of Newfoundland


Communications Committee


Margaret Wade Labarge Prize Chair (2025)


Leonard Boyle Prize Chair (2025) 


Representative to the CFHSS (2025)

Siobhain Bly Calkin Carleton University


Ad hoc EDID Committee 

Siobhain Bly Calkin (Chair):

Siobhain[DOT]Calkin[AT]cunet[DOT]carleton[DOT]ca (2026)

Marica Cassis:

marica[DOT]cassis[AT]ucalgary[DOT]ca (2026)

Gavin Foster

Gavin[DOT]Foster[AT]dal[DOT]ca (2026)

Advisory Board

Kristin Bourassa (2025)

Kevin McAleese (2025, Memorial University, c54kem [at]

Derek Neal (2025)

Autumn Reinhardt Simpson, Graduate Student Representative (2025)

Isabelle Arseneau (2026)

Jes Battis (2026)

Ivana Djordjevic (2026)

Arafat Razzaque (2026)

Past Presidents

Siobhain Bly Calkin     

Marc Cels

 Kathy Cawsey

 Dominic Marner

 David Watt

 John Osborne

 Elizabeth Edwards

 Anna Smol

 James Weldon

 Carol Harvey

 Andrew Taylor

 Jacqueline Murray

 Paul Dutton

 Joanne Norman

 Hans Runte

 Margaret Wade Labarge 

Past Editors of Florilegium

 Christa Canitz   

 James Weldon

 Carol J. Harvey

 M. Jane Toswell

 Douglas Wurtele

 Roger C. Blockley

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