Applicants are invited for a 4-year post-doctoral position with the project, “Re-Assessing St. Birgitta of Sweden and her Revelations in Medieval England: Circulation and Influence, 1380-1530,” funded by a Young Research Talents Grant from the Norwegian Research Council (8 million NOK [about $931,000/ 710,000 GBP]), awarded to Dr. Laura Saetveit Miles at the University of Bergen, Norway. The post-doc position will be editing unpublished Middle English versions of Birgitta’s Revelations for both digital and print editions. Over the 4 years, the position is 3 years of research integrated with 1 year of teaching and administration. The post-doc will be based in beautiful Bergen, Norway, and have at least 1 semester in England to work in the archives, fully funded; there is ample travel budget for attending conferences as part of the project team. UiB has a thriving medieval studies research environment, and the project has the support of the UiB library digital resources team, the UiB Literature & Religion Research Group, and the project’s own reference board of international scholars.
For full details including competitive salary level please see the job listing:
Any questions can be directed to