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Passing of Fr. Edouard Jeauneau

11 Dec 2019 12:39 PM | Marc Cels

Message forwarded on behalf of Fr. James K. Farge, CSB:

We learned yesterday that Father Edouard Jeauneau died yesterday, 10 December, in a hospital in Chartres. He was a Professor of Medieval Philosophy at PIMS and the CMS from about 1974 to 1995; and, after that, he spent about 8 months each year working on his numerous publications here in Toronto. He always had generous SSHRC grants and hired a long string of CMS students to work for him. He trained many of them in reading the particular handwriting in the manuscripts and in editing the texts. He was also generous in the salaries he paid the students.

He was 95 years old and has not come back to Toronto in the last five years. His funeral Mass will be in his small home town of Coudray-en Perche (about 60 km from Chartres).  

James K. Farge, CSB

Curator, Rare Books and Special Collections

Library, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies

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