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MS 61, fol 1v, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

News and Announcements

  • 11 Dec 2019 12:39 PM | Marc Cels

    Message forwarded on behalf of Fr. James K. Farge, CSB:

    We learned yesterday that Father Edouard Jeauneau died yesterday, 10 December, in a hospital in Chartres. He was a Professor of Medieval Philosophy at PIMS and the CMS from about 1974 to 1995; and, after that, he spent about 8 months each year working on his numerous publications here in Toronto. He always had generous SSHRC grants and hired a long string of CMS students to work for him. He trained many of them in reading the particular handwriting in the manuscripts and in editing the texts. He was also generous in the salaries he paid the students.

    He was 95 years old and has not come back to Toronto in the last five years. His funeral Mass will be in his small home town of Coudray-en Perche (about 60 km from Chartres).  

    James K. Farge, CSB

    Curator, Rare Books and Special Collections

    Library, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies

  • 9 Dec 2019 9:37 AM | Kathy Cawsey (Administrator)

    The Department of French at the University of Victoria (British Columbia) invites those interested in pursuing an MA in French Literature, Language & Culture to submit an application. For further information on the MA in French Literature, Language & Culture at the University of Victoria, see:

    The master’s program is designed to foster a close-knit cohort. A few of the program’s highlights are:

    • a focus on digital cultures and literacies

    • the diversity of research specialities

    • innovative teaching methods

    • transformative learning

    Furthermore, the Department offers competitive financial support to full-time graduate students: scholarships up to $15,000, with a minimum of $6,000 guaranteed (for the first year only). The possibility of gaining experience as a teaching assistant or a research assistant is also another important asset of the program. All applications submitted by February 1st, 2020 will be considered for a graduate entrance scholarship.

    For more details on the master’s program, please contact the graduate advisor, Catherine Léger,

  • 3 Dec 2019 10:52 AM | Marc Cels

    The Canadian Historical Association has instituted a new annual prize that "seeks to recognize post-secondary instructors teaching in any geographical, thematic, or temporal field in historical studies who have a record of excellence in emphasizing student engagement with primary sources in their courses in effective, critical, sustained, and, possibly, innovative ways. Effective teaching about the question of primary sources and how people today should contend with them are the central aspects of this award. " The deadline for nomination packages is 31 Dec. 2019.

  • 9 Nov 2019 9:23 AM | Marc Cels

    The current issue of Florilegium (vol. 33, 2016) came out last summer: its ten articles are dedicated to medieval manuscripts in Canada. For a list of the table of contents, visit: For more information on Florilegium, the journal of the Canadian Society of Medievalists / Société canadienne des médiévistes, or to submit a manuscript, visit:

  • 4 Nov 2019 12:52 PM | Anonymous

    The Christmas season is approaching and what better way to share the holiday cheer than by supporting a good cause and sending someone an Old or Middle English greeting?

    Krista Murchison, Canadian medievalist at the Leiden University, is working with her students to improve their language skills while raising money for cancer research. Visit for more details

  • 25 Sep 2019 8:53 PM | Marc Cels

    Congratulations to the Aga Khan Museum (Toronto) on opening a new exhibit: 'Caravans of Gold, Fragments in Time: Art, Culture, and Exchange Across Medieval Saharan Africa' (21 September 2019-23 Feb. 2020). For information about the exhibit and associate events, visit:

  • 15 Sep 2019 5:08 PM | Marc Cels

    I'm very sad to report the death on 3 September at the age of 63 of our colleague, Catherine Innes-Parker, Professor of medieval literature in the Department of Language and Literature at the University of Prince Edward Island in Charlottetown. Catherine completed both her BA and MA at McMaster University and her doctorate at Memorial University. Catherine published on theology, devotional literature, and anchoritism. Condolences can be left at her online obituary:

  • 11 Sep 2019 3:14 PM | Marc Cels

    (English follows):  2020 Prix Leonard Boyle thèse de doctorat 

    Le Prix Leonard Boyle est décerné à une thèse de doctorat méritoire issue d’un domaine des études médiévales et rédigée par un chercheur canadien, ou un chercheur résidant au Canada. Les soumissions sont évaluées par le Comité du Prix et par un sous-comité de la Société canadienne des médiévistes. Le prix est remis au gagnant lors de la réunion annuelle de la Société. 

    Le prix comprend une somme monétaire et un abonnement de trois ans à la Société canadienne des médiévistes. Les membres reçoivent ipso facto un exemplaire de la revue Florilegium et le bulletin Scrinium.

    En général, la thèse doit être présentée dans l’année suivant la soutenance. Un exemplaire papier de la thèse, une version électronique, une lettre ou un rapport du superviseur et un rapport externe doivent être envoyés au président du comité avant le 15 janvier 2020.  

    Adresser les demandes de renseignements et les demandes au président du comité de cette année:

    Allison Fizzard

    Associate Professor of History

    Campion College at the University of Regina

    3737 Wascana Parkway

    Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0A2

    The 2020 Leonard Boyle Dissertation Prize

    The competition for the 2020 Leonard Boyle Dissertation Prize for Medieval Studies is currently open. This prize will be awarded to an outstanding dissertation in any field of medieval studies. The dissertation must be written by a Canadian or by someone resident in Canada. Entries are adjudicated by the Dissertation Prize Committee, a subcommittee of the Canadian Society of Medievalists (CSM). The prize consists of a cash award as well as membership in the CSM for three years. Members automatically receive copies of the journal Florilegium and the CSM's newsletter Scrinium.

    For the current competition, new PhD holders who defended their dissertations in 2019 are invited to submit their work. For consideration in the competition, an applicant should submit the following documents by 15 January 2020 to the Chair of the Committee: (a) one paper copy of the dissertation, (b) one electronic copy of the dissertation, (c) a letter or report from the supervisor, and (d) either (i) an external report or (ii) a letter from an additional member of the dissertation committee. Canadians who completed their dissertations at foreign institutions must also provide proof of citizenship, such as a photocopy or digital scan of their passport.

    Please address inquiries and applications to this year's Chair of the Committee:

    Allison Fizzard

    Associate Professor of History

    Campion College at the University of Regina

    3737 Wascana Parkway

    Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0A2

  • 11 Sep 2019 12:26 PM | Marc Cels

    Follow this link from 'Western News' for a story on James Grier's prizewinning book:

  • 9 Sep 2019 4:02 PM | Marc Cels
    2019 fall events at Toronto's Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies have been posted at:

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