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MS 61, fol 1v, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

News and Announcements

  • 3 Jun 2021 3:33 PM | Marc Cels (Administrator)

    Greetings from Newcastle in  England! 

    I am forwarding this to you in case your members are interested. Dr Giles Gasper studied medieval theology at the Pontifical  Institute of Mediaeval Studies in Toronto in 2013. He is a post doctoral fellow in theology and organises these medieval courses with us at Blackfriars restaurant. This is our 4th course now. 

    Medieval cookery course is fit for a king using original recipes held at Durham University

    An interactive five-day online medieval cookery course with recipes from the Forme of Cury, the most famous English cookbook of the Middle Ages, is being hosted by Blackfriars Restaurant in Newcastle in collaboration with Durham University's Institute of Medieval & Early Modern Studies (IMEMS).

    Eat Medieval: Fit for a King will take place from 28 June to 2 July and the recipes in the book are associated with the court of King Richard II, and one 15th century copy still survives here in the North East in Durham University library. The chefs at Blackfriars will delve deep into this fascinating collection of recipes on meat, fish and game as well as vegetables, pottage, and sweet dishes and breathe new life into them.

     Participants will be shown how to cook medieval pancakes, Egarduce (sweet and sour fish), Flaumpeyns (a wonderful variant on Pork Pie) and Comadore (apple turnover) as well as recipes from the Catalan Sent Sovi collection, from the same period, with Stuffed Octopus and a medieval form of Creme Catalan.

    They will be able to take the original recipes and present them with the help of Blackfriars chefs for the modern palate and will be introduced to the historical period as well through films, podcasts explaining the period, the history, and how medieval people lived. They can also take part in live Q&A sessions and a lively Facebook group to show-off your own creations.

    Steeped in history and working with the best of modern cuisine, Blackfriars Restaurant is located in a 13th-century former Dominican friary and is believed to be the oldest purpose-built restaurant in the UK, making it a fitting venue for the course.

    Andy Hook, owner of Blackfriars said: “The Forme of Cury really is the original cookbook, it’s the earliest English collection of recipes we know so we’re are beyond delighted to present these on what we hope will be our biggest and best Eat Medieval course so far."

    Dr Giles Gasper, professor of Medieval History at Durham said: "This is a wonderful opportunity to explore medieval food and culture and really brings together all of the team - history, music, literature and of course cooking - all in accessible and welcoming formats. I love working with the participants and look forward very much to this course! And we also have a 15th century copy of Forme of Cury at Durham - so this will be from the original". 

    This is the fourth course held between Blackfriars and Durham University’s IMEMS.

    Once participants have bought a ticket they will be emailed a code to unlock their shopping list, the recipes, pre-recorded films from chefs and scholars, as well as suggested reading and other online resources which will be available throughout. 

    The 5-day course costs £125 and is available to purchase here

    More information can also be seen at 

    Sam Hook

    Marketing Director | Hooked on Group

  • 17 May 2021 5:45 AM | Kathy Cawsey (Administrator)

    The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Dalhousie University invites
    applications for The Simon and Riva Spatz Chair in Jewish Studies. This
    appointment will be a tenured position at the rank of Associate or Full Professor.

    The successful candidate should be an exceptional scholar of international
    reputation, with a proven track-record suitable to a Research Chair at a major
    The Chair is inclusive of scholars from a wide variety of arts, humanities, and
    social science backgrounds. Dalhousie welcomes applications from scholars
    engaged in teaching and research related to Classical Judaism; Jewish
    Philosophy and Thought; Jewish History and Social Sciences; Jewish Cultures,
    Languages, and Literatures; Judaism and the performing and visual arts;
    Holocaust studies; or contemporary Middle Eastern politics. Candidates are
    expected to have broad expertise and documented research and teaching
    experience in several areas and/or historical periods treated within Jewish
    Studies, as well as a working knowledge of the primary languages within Jewish
    Studies, especially Hebrew.
    The Spatz Chair in Jewish Studies is intended to bring a distinguished scholar
    to Halifax to share their expertise with students and faculty at Dalhousie
    University, with the closely-affiliated University of King's College, and with
    members of the broader Halifax community; to lead new initiatives in the field
    of Jewish Studies at Dalhousie and beyond; and to foster excellence in research, teaching, and outreach in the field.
    The Spatz Chair in Jewish Studies will teach two 3-credit-hour courses per year in their home unit (normally, one each in the Fall and Winter terms, to include both introductory and more specialized courses in their field of expertise); give at least one public talk in each of the two terms; and participate in community outreach and knowledge mobilization. As a Research Chair, they will engage in a rigorous research program as appropriate to their discipline and fields of study. The Spatz Chair will also be expected to initiate and be involved in cross-faculty initiatives at the university and to coordinate projects across academic and non-academic sectors. Building on existing academic units including the Religious Studies program and the Minor in Abrahamic Religions, as well as faculty members' interests and current courses, the Chair will work towards establishing a robust program in Jewish Studies at Dalhousie University.
    Dalhousie University is currently engaged in numerous fruitful collaborations with the Jewish community, including among others the annual Shaar Shalom Lecture. The Spatz Chair in Jewish Studies will be expected to contribute to planning for these and related initiatives.
    The start date is negotiable between July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2022.
    Dalhousie University is committed to fostering a collegial culture grounded in diversity and inclusiveness. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons, persons with a disability, racially visible persons, women, persons of a minority sexual orientation and/or gender identity, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit this link.
    All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
    Candidates who wish to apply for this position should do so through this link by June 7, 2021. Link:
    A complete application package for this position will include:
     a cover letter
     a detailed curriculum vitae
     a two-page research statement
     a two-page statement on the proposed research and teaching program for the Spatz Chair in Jewish Studies
     the names and contact information for three referees.
    Applicants are encouraged to include, in their cover letter, an explanation of the impact that any career interruptions may have had on their record of research achievement.
    Dalhousie University recognizes its obligation to accommodate candidates in order to ensure full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed online at:
    For further information about this position, or to request accommodation at any stage of the hiring process, please contact Laura Godsoe at
    For academic-related questions please contact Professor Yuri Leving, Chair of the Search Committee for The Simon and Riva Spatz Visiting Chair in Jewish Studies at

  • 5 May 2021 11:06 AM | Marc Cels (Administrator)

    Date: Wednesday, May 12

    Time: 12 Noon EST

    Join University of Toronto Press for a special panel discussion as we celebrate the launch of three new books in the Lectura Boccaccii series organized by the American Boccaccio Association.

    The event features Kristina Olson, President of the American Boccaccio Association, in conversation with:

  • 13 Apr 2021 12:54 PM | Siobhain Calkin (Administrator)

    Last Colloquia Ottaviensia 2021 conference on Friday, April 16 at 10:00 am (Eastern Time):

    Roberto Hofmeister Pich (PUCRS, Porto Alegre),

    “Latin American Colonial Scholasticism: Some Major Topics in Practical Philosophy”

    Résumé | Abstract

    The presentation will focus on key contributions in the area of practical philosophy by thinkers belonging to the period of what is known as Colonial Scholasticism (scholastica colonialis). The main themes I will cover are: 1) natural rights, 2) the new "ius gentium" and the theory of conflict / war (Francisco de Vitoria, Domingo de Soto, Bartolome de Las Casas, Alonso de Veracruz, Jose de Acosta), and 3) debates pertaining to the question of slavery, particularly black slavery, with special attention to such authors as Thomas de Mercado, Luis de Molina, Diego de Avendano, Alonso de Sandoval, and the largely unknown Capuchins Epifanio de Moirans and Francisco Jose de Jaca. I will also briefly touch on the question of "restitutio".

    Lien Zoom:

    Au plaisir de vous y voir | Looking forward to see you

  • 10 Apr 2021 10:55 AM | Marc Cels (Administrator)

    2021 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Medievalists

    2021 Rencontre annuelle de la Société canadienne des médiévistes

    Medieval Mondays: 7, 14, 21, and 28 June via Zoom

    Visit the Conference webpage here.
    Download the program here.

  • 10 Apr 2021 10:45 AM | Marc Cels (Administrator)

    2021 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Medievalists

    2021 Rencontre annuelle de la Société canadienne des médiévistes

    Medieval Mondays: 7, 14, 21, and 28 June 2021 via Zoom

    Monday 7 June: 11:50 AM to 4:00 PM Eastern Time (ET)

    With a keynote address by Shannon McSheffrey, Concordia University, Montreal:

    “Belonging and Not Belonging: The Immigrant Experience in Early Tudor London”

    Monday 14 June: 12:00 Noon to 3:15 PM (ET)

    Monday 21 June: 12:00 Noon to 3:30 PM (ET)

    Including the Annual General Meeting

    Monday 28 June: 12:00 Noon to 4:00 PM (ET)

    St. Isidore, Patron of the Internet

    Registration Fee: Free for 2020-21 members of the CSM/SCM. Please visit the Society’s website ( to join, check your membership status by logging in, or to renew. Regular membership is CND$ 57.00, Retired/Unwaged $42.00, and Students $37.00. Membership includes subscription the journal Florilegium.

    Registration Deadline: May 31 2021. After you’ve confirmed your membership in the Society, please register by sending an email to

    Zoom access codes will be sent out the first week of June to the email address that you used to register.

    Medieval Mondays Program: 2021 Medieval Mondays Program

    2021 Annual General Meeting Agenda: To be posted mid-May on the Society website:

    2021 Virtual Conference Committee: Marc B. Cels, Chair (, Kenneth Duggan, John Geck (MUN), Andrew Klein (St. Thomas), Eric Kwakkel (UBC)

    CSM/SCM Executive Committee: Marc B. Cels (, Siobhain Bly Calkin (Vice President), Brandon Alakas (Secretary-Treasurer), David Watt (Editor, Florilegium), Kathy Cawsey (Past President)

  • 26 Mar 2021 11:39 AM | Siobhain Calkin (Administrator)

    The Department of English at Bishop's University in Quebec is seeking a Tenure-track assistant professor specializing in Medieval Literature, starting July 2021:

  • 22 Mar 2021 7:34 AM | Siobhain Calkin (Administrator)

    Veuillez trouver ci-dessous les informations de connexion pour assister à la conférence de Lydia Schumacher (King’s College London) dans le cadre des Colloquia Ottaviensia intitulée « Why Study Early Scholasticism (c. 1200-50): A Window into the Arabic Sources of Western Philosophy », qui se tiendra le 26 mars à 10 h 00 (HAE).

    Voici le lien de la conférence sur Zoom:

    Dear all,

    Please find below the login information to attend the next conference presentation in the Colloquia Ottaviensialecture series by Lydia Schumacher (King’s College London) entitled Why Study Early Scholasticism (c. 1200-50): A Window into the Arabic Sources of Western Philosophy” which will be held on March 26th at 10:00 am (DST).

  • 17 Mar 2021 3:50 PM | Brandon Alakas

    Applications are invited for two-year fixed-term Associate Lectureship (Education Focused) in Late Medieval English Literature, starting in September 2021. The vacancy is to provide a temporary replacement for Professor Rhiannon Purdie, who is taking up a Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship.  

    Applicants should have completed a PhD in a relevant field and have experience of teaching late medieval English literature at university level. Also essential are good organisational and communicative skills and the ability to work constructively and flexibly with colleagues. The ability to teach Older Scots is desirable, though not essential.  

    In addition to the application form, candidates are asked to submit a covering letter and a CV including a list of publications.  

    Further information and informal enquiries may be directed to Professor Rhiannon Purdie, email:  

    Applications are particularly welcome from women, people from the Black, Asian, Minority or Ethnic (BAME) community and other protected characteristics who are under-represented in Academic posts at the University.    

    The University is committed to equality for all, demonstrated through accreditation (Athena SWAN; Carer Positive; Stonewall, LGBT and Race Charters), as listed on:

    Closing Date: 7 April 2021     

    Please quote ref: AO1703NB       

    Further Particulars: AO1703NB FPs.doc   

    Link for posting:

  • 17 Mar 2021 8:34 AM | Siobhain Calkin (Administrator)

    Le prochain séminaire virtuel en études médiévales « Pour une histoire de l'expérience » (UQÀM, org. Piroska Nagy et Xavier Biron-Ouellet) se tiendra vendredi prochain, 19 mars, à 10h (heures de l'Est). La séance sera consacrée à la conférence d'Alessandro Arcangeli (U. de Vérone) intitulée « Girolamo Cardano and his own dreams: experience and theory in sixteenth-century oneiric culture ». Voici sont les liens pour la réunion zoom ainsi que pour l'accès aux deux textes à lire:

    En préparation à la séance, nous vous invitons à lire ces deux textes :

    • -       Un chapitre (en traduction anglaise) de l’autobiographie de Cardano, lien ici.
    • -       Un chapitre (en traduction italienne) du traité Somniorum Synesiorum, lien ici (et l’original latin, ici)


    L’adresse Zoom pour se joindre au séminaire :

    (sans mot de passe).

    Tant les collègues que les étudiant.e.s des cycles supérieurs (ou pas !) sont bienvenu.e.s pour présenter leurs travaux, lectures, réflexions et participer aux discussions !


    The next virtual seminar in medieval studies "Pour une histoire de l'expérience" (UQÀM, org. Piroska Nagy and Xavier Biron-Ouellet) will be held next Friday, March 19, at 10am (Eastern time). The session will be devoted to the lecture by Alessandro Arcangeli (U. of Verona) entitled "Girolamo Cardano and his own dreams: experience and theory in sixteenth-century oneiric culture". The links to the zoom meeting and to two texts to read in advance are above.

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