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MS 61, fol 1v, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

News and Announcements

  • 15 Mar 2020 9:41 AM | Marc Cels (Administrator)

    "Into the DRAGEN's Den..." A feature on Steven Bednarski at St. Jerome's University (U. Waterloo) and the connections his project makes between today's climate change and the Middle Ages.

  • 15 Mar 2020 9:39 AM | Marc Cels (Administrator)

    A feature on the University of St. Michael's College (University of Toronto) and the importance of Medieval Studies.

  • 2 Mar 2020 2:20 PM | Anonymous

    Thanks to a transformational gift to St. Michael’s by alumnus Dr. Tony Comper, President David Sylvester is pleased to announce the establishment of the Comper Professorship in Medieval Studies at the University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto. The donation reflects Dr. Comper’s firm belief that studying the humanities offers invaluable benefits both personally and professionally – and that St. Michael’s is on the right path with its renewal as a vibrant centre of undergraduate education at U of T.

    Dr. Sylvester is also delighted to announce that Dr. Alison More is appointed the inaugural holder of the Comper Professorship. Dr. More is a highly regarded Latinist whose research investigates the intersections of social and religious culture in late-medieval Northern Europe. Read the full press release about this exciting gift and inaugural appointment. 

  • 2 Mar 2020 1:55 PM | Anonymous

    On Friday 21 February 2020, Erik Kwakkel (UBC) gave a Darwin College Lecture on "The Enigmatic Premodern Book".

    The Darwin College Lectures are an annual series of public lectures at the University of Cambridge, UK, each "built around a single theme, approached in a multi-disciplinary way, and with each lecture prepared for a general audience by a leading authority on his or her subject"

    A summary of Dr. Kwakkel's talk is below, and more information can be found here:

    "The defining feature of the medieval manuscript—the premodern book at the heart of this lecture—is that its contents have been written rather than printed. A compelling feature of written text from the medieval period is that it produces two kinds of meaning. The first is the meaning of the words themselves: the most common reason for consulting a manuscript and the reason why it was produced in the first place. The other kind is hidden within the shape of the letters. As they copied a text, scribes included information about themselves in their handwriting. How the individual letters were formed depended on a range of variables, including the location and approximate moment of the scribe’s training, the institution in which the manuscript was produced, and even with how much care a text was copied. This is the enigma of the medieval manuscript: a wealth of information is enclosed in its material design, if we can decipher the code. What methods are available to untangle this enigma? What knowledge can be gleaned from how the medieval book was put together? Why is looking at this object as useful as reading it?​"

  • 2 Mar 2020 1:51 PM | Anonymous

    Dr. Mary Rambaran-Olm has been named a Provost's Postdoctoral Fellow in the University of Toronto's Department of English and Drama.

    The University of Toronto Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship program provides funding to increase opportunities for hiring postdoctoral fellows from underrepresented groups, specifically Indigenous and/or Black researchers. These fellowships will enable postdoctoral researchers to grow their scholarly profiles, undertake academic work at the University of Toronto, and strengthen the research environment at the University with diverse perspectives.

  • 2 Mar 2020 11:26 AM | Marc Cels (Administrator)

    President David Sylvester is pleased to announce the establishment of the Comper Professorship in Medieval Studies at the University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto. This newly endowed position has been made possible by a foundational investment by St. Michael’s alumnus, Dr. Tony Comper, C.M., L.LD. (Hon). Dr. Sylvester is also delighted to announce that Dr. Alison More is appointed the inaugural holder of the Comper Professorship. Dr. More is a highly regarded Latinist whose research investigates the intersections of social and religious culture in late-medieval Northern Europe. Read more about the Comper Professorship here.

  • 25 Feb 2020 12:39 PM | Anonymous

    A new memorandum of understanding between the University of St. Michael’s College, the University of Toronto, and the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies reaffirms Toronto’s status as North America’s centre for research in mediaeval studies.

    The five-year memorandum formally expresses a commitment on the part of the three signatories to work together to further engage with the mediaeval period through research, teaching, and publication. While each party remains distinct, the agreement suggests possibilities such as joint academic seminars or colloquia, as well as scholarly collaboration.

    The full press release about the memorandum can be found here:

  • 13 Feb 2020 6:16 PM | Kathy Cawsey (Administrator)

    On behalf of the Canadian Society of Medievalists (CSM), we are soliciting paper proposals for the session ‘The Transmission of Style: Medieval Architecture and its Revivals.’ This session will be part of the CSM Annual Meeting within the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (Congress 2020), which will be hosted by Western University in London, Ontario, Canada, 1-3 June 2020. Please submit an abstract (250 words max) and brief CV (1-page max) to Candice Bogdanski ( or Jessica Mace ( by 15 March 2020. Papers can be submitted in French or English. Successful candidates will be contacted via email prior to 31 March. Please note that participants must be members of the Canadian Society of Medievalists ( as well as registrants for Congress 2020 (


    Please circulate this CFP widely, and we look forward to receiving your paper proposals soon!


    The Transmission of Style: Medieval Architecture and its Revivals


    The legacy of medieval scholarship and material culture stretches far beyond its traditionally drawn boundaries. Particularly when living and working in a place like Canada, it is important to look for continued connections and associations, even if inconspicuous, and to consider a multitude of approaches to our understandings and interpretations of the medieval past. In line with the 2020 Congress theme of Bridging Divides, then, this session seeks to respond to the call to “focus on interdisciplinarity (bridging disciplinary divides) and on internationalization (bridging national divides)” and to “assembl[e] scholars, artists and members of the general public who engage with the world from differing viewpoints, offering a forum to share perspectives;” that is, perspectives and individuals that might extend beyond the temporally narrow category of “medievalist.”


    As such, this session invites papers that broadly examine the transmission of style through time and space, from the medieval to modern eras. Contributors are encouraged to consider how architectural principles are developed and interpreted in their respective contexts, and more specifically, how specific decorative and structural aspects are translated and transferred from one place or era to another. To understand how and why these architectural styles are transmitted, presenters are urged to look beyond the formal aspects of architecture to considerations of patronage, masons/schools of architecture, literal networks of road and waterways, post-humanist narratives, the iconography of architectural copies, and notions of identity and belonging, among others. Papers might address the relationship of one building to another, several buildings as part of a style/school, the translation of medieval ideas to its modern revivals, and/or medieval revival buildings in their contemporary contexts. We welcome papers in both English and French from scholars at all stages of their careers. 


    Session Chairs:

    Jessica Mace, Ph.D. 

    Candice Bogdanski, Ph.D. Candidate, FSA Scot.

  • 27 Jan 2020 1:06 PM | Marc Cels (Administrator)

    Call for Nominations: Officers for 2020

    The Canadian Society of Medievalists welcomes nominations for one Vice President, four members of the Advisory Board, and one Public Relations Officer. These are unremunerated positions with terms beginning after June 2 2020. A list of the society’s current officers can be found at:

    Please direct inquiries to the chair of the Nomination Committee, Marc B. Cels ( Nominations are due to the committee by 1 April 2020.  The Committee will draw up a slate of candidates for election at the 2 June AGM in London, Ontario. Nominations will still be accepted from the floor during the AGM. Members can view the society’s constitution online at:

    Elected Officers

    1 Vice President: a two-year term followed by a two-year term as President, and a 2-year term as Past President. The Vice President learns the business of the society while being a member of the Executive Committee. Meanwhile, the VP has responsibility for society communications, including a bi-annual online newsletter (Scrinium) and directing the society’s PR Team. The PR Team shares society news via the website and social media, considers communication strategies, and assists in recruiting new members. Competence in both English and French would be an asset. Members of the Executive are expected to attend and assist at the society’s annual meeting during Congress.

    4 Advisory Board Members (two-year terms): Members of the Advisory Board represent the geographic and disciplinary diversity of Medieval Studies in Canada. There will be four vacancies on the Board for professional Canadian medievalists. Board members advise the president and Executive Committee when required. Chairs of the society’s book and dissertation prizes are recruited from the Board, as are members of the Nomination Committee. Attendance at the society’s annual meeting is encouraged, but not required.

    Officers Appointed by the Executive Committee:

    1 Public Relations Officer (two-year term): Members of the PR Team are directed by the Vice President and assist with the society’s communication and in recruiting new members. PR Team members share society news via Facebook and Twitter. Competence in both English and French is required. Attendance at the society’s annual meeting is encouraged, but not required.

    Appel de candidatures : Officiers pour 2020

    La Société canadienne des médiévistes accueille les candidatures d’un vice-président, de quatre membres du conseil consultatif et d’un agent des relations publiques. Vous trouverez une liste des agents actuels de la société du lien suivant:

    S’il vous plaît, adressez des questions au président du comité de nomination, Marc B. Cels ( Les candidatures doivent être présentées au comité d’ici le 1er avril 2020. Le comité dressera une liste de candidats à l’élection lors de l’assemblée générale annuelle qui aura lieu le 2 juin à London, en Ontario. Les candidatures seront toujours acceptées posées dans la salle lors de l’ l’assemblée générale annuelle. Les membres peuvent consulter la constitution en anglais de la société en ligne à l'


    1 Vice-président : un mandat de deux ans suivi d’un mandat de deux ans en tant que président et d’un mandat de deux ans en tant qu’ancien président. Le vice-président apprend les affaires de la société tout en étant membre du Comité exécutif. Pendant ce temps, le vice-président est responsable des communications de la société, y compris un bulletin en ligne semestriel (Scrinium) et dirige l’équipe des relations publiques de la société. L’équipe de relations publiques partage les nouvelles de la société via le site Web et les médias sociaux, examine les stratégies de communication et aide au recrutement de nouveaux membres. La compétence en anglais et en français serait un atout. On s’attend à ce que les membres de l’exécutif assistent à la réunion annuelle de la société pendant le Congrès et y aident.

    4 Membres du conseil consultatif (mandat de deux ans) : Les membres du conseil représentent la diversité géographique et disciplinaire des études médiévales au Canada. Il y aura quatre postes vacants au conseil consultatif des médiévistes canadiens professionnels. Les membres donnent des conseils au président et au comité exécutif au besoin. Les présidents du livre et des prix de thèse de la société sont recrutés auprès du conseil consultatif, de même que les membres du comité de mise en candidature. La participation à l’assemblée générale annuelle de la société est encouragée, mais non requise.

    Officiers nommés par le comité exécutif :

    1 Agent des relations publiques (mandat de deux ans) : Les membres de l’équipe des relations publiques sont dirigés par le vice-président et aident à la communication de la société et au recrutement de nouveaux membres. Les membres de l’équipe de relations publiques partagent les nouvelles de la société via Facebook et Twitter. La compétence en anglais et en français est requise. La participation à l’assemblée générale annuelle de la société est encouragée, mais non requise.


  • 27 Jan 2020 11:37 AM | Marc Cels (Administrator)

    U of A and Edmonton's mayor announced Jan. 24 that the U of Alberta will host the 2021 Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences.

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