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MS 61, fol 1v, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

News and Announcements

  • 1 Feb 2018 7:39 AM | John Osborne

    The 38th annual Canadian Conference of Medieval Art Historians will take place at Carleton University, Ottawa, March 16-17., and will feature 26 speakers from across Canada, as well as the United States and Britain. The plenary address will be delivered by John Goodall, FSA, historian and architectural editor for Country Life magazine.

  • 25 Jan 2018 3:33 PM | Anonymous

    Dr. Allison Fizzard and I (Dr. Leanne Groeneveld) are interested in proposing a session for Congress 2018 entitled "Food: Feasting and Fasting in the Middle Ages" (a working title). We are both currently researching in this area and would like to connect with another member who might like to join us in drafting a proposal. If interested,  please contact me at

  • 24 Jan 2018 4:32 AM | Kristin Bourassa

    The Centre for Medieval Literature (CML) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU, Odense) and the University of York invites applications for a total of three postdoctoral positions. (It is possible to apply to both universities with the same research plan, but you must make separate applications following the procedures of each institution.)

    The CML’s research is interdisciplinary and multilingual, combining literary study with history, history of art, history of science, and other disciplines. We cover a broad range of topics addressing texts within and, especially, beyond the established medieval literary canons. The CML works to establish theoretical models for the study of medieval literature in a European scale. Our research is organised in three main research strands: Imperial Languages, Canon and Library, and Transformations and Translocations.

    For more information.

  • 23 Nov 2017 10:54 PM | Anonymous

    Do you have a great idea for a research project in Medieval Studies?

    The new CARMEN Project Prize could be for you! This unique award will recognise a project idea in any area of Medieval Studies, which has the potential to advance our understanding of the medieval period or its reception in important and/or innovative ways. Unlike conventional publication prizes, the CARMEN Project Prize seeks to identify the highest-quality academic research at the planning / development stage
    and to encourage its future progress.

    The aims of the CARMEN Project Prize reflect the distinctive mission of CARMEN, The Worldwide Medieval Network, as an international forum for scholars at all levels to exchange ideas, build partnerships and develop collaborative research.
    The application form is short (just 2 pages). Why not give it a go? Deadline for entries is 15 January, 2018. Find more information and the application form at

    Carmen The Medieval Network :: Project prize

  • 1 Nov 2017 8:59 AM | Andrew Klein

    Hello, and welcome to the CSM website at its new home !

    Over the next little while, we'll be continuing to streamline the website or introduce new sections and features (some a long time coming), so bear with us. As webmaster for the CSM site, I'm happy to hear about any suggestions or problems you're having. The move to our new platform should hopefully make things easier for everyone and resolve a number of issues with our former website. You can reach me at .

    If you're here to sign up or renew, please go to "Member Information" above, and choose "Memberships" where you'll be able to choose a membership to subscribe to. Membership has been improved and simplified in some ways. In particular, please consider providing information about yourself in your profile that you'd like other CSM members to know (click on your name at the top of the site once logged in). Once you've signed up or renewed, you will have access to a Member Directory, which will allow us all to learn about one another or contact fellow members should you wish to do so. If you'd rather keep your information private, you can also choose to do this in your profile.

    Also, as communicated to you in our recent email, when you are setting up your profile, please go to “email subscriptions” and “opt in” to future email correspondence.

    What's more, as members you should be able to easily add News or CFPs to the website. If you have a recent publication, please do send the details on that to as well so that we can get the word out!

    Thanks for supporting our wonderful community and we hope to hear from many of you.


    Andrew Klein, VAP Wabash College, CSM Webmaster

  • 23 Oct 2017 12:25 PM | Anonymous

    Image result for university of toronto

    Position/Title Rank: Assistant Professor – Tenure Stream (Medieval Latin Language and Literature)
    Faculty/Division: Arts & Science
    Department: Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto
    Campus: St. George (downtown Toronto)
    Deadline/Closing Date for Application: Nov. 23, 2017

         The Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto, invites applications for a tenure-stream appointment in the field of Medieval Latin Language and Literature. The appointment will be at the rank of Assistant Professor and will begin on July 1, 2018.
         The successful candidate will have demonstrated research and teaching expertise in the field of Latin Language and Literature (e.g., poetry, epistolography, drama, or prose narrative). The successful candidate will be able to teach Medieval Latin language at the graduate level and play a leading role in the setting and marking of Toronto’s Medieval Latin examinations. Candidates are expected to have outstanding research records, with refereed publications, and to have demonstrated evidence of excellence in teaching.
         The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in a discipline relevant to the requirements of the position by the date of appointment or shortly thereafter, an established record of excellence in scholarly research and publication, and evidence of excellence in both undergraduate and graduate teaching. Evidence of excellence in teaching can be demonstrated through teaching evaluations, a strong statement of teaching philosophy, and strong endorsements from referees; previous university teaching experience is preferred. Candidates must also provide evidence of research of an internationally competitive calibre, as demonstrated by publications in leading journals in the field, or a research pipeline that is at high international levels [SM1], presentations at significant conferences, and strong endorsements by referees of top international stature.
         Medieval Studies at Toronto is a broadly interdisciplinary enterprise that offers the opportunity to work in collaboration with a wide range of departments and academic disciplines. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. The University of Toronto offers the opportunity to teach and conduct research in one of the most diverse and culturally vibrant universities in the world.
         All qualified candidates are invited to apply online by visiting Job #1701741. Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement outlining current and future research interests, representative writing sample, and teaching dossier (including a statement of teaching philosophy and teaching evaluations).
    Applicants should also ask three referees to email letters (signed and on letterhead) directly to Prof. Suzanne Akbari, Search Committee Chair, at by the closing date of November 23, 2017.
    Submission guidelines can be found at We recommend combining documents into one or two files in PDF/MS Word format.
         For more information about the Centre for Medieval Studies, please visit our homepage at The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from racialized persons / persons of colour, women, Indigenous / Aboriginal People of North America, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ persons, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas. As part of your application, you will be asked to complete a brief Diversity Survey. This survey is voluntary. Any information directly related to you is confidential and cannot be assessed by search committees or human resources staff. Results will be aggregated for institutional planning purposes. For more information, please see
         All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

  • 17 Sep 2017 6:27 AM | Anonymous

    In the wake of the well-documented appropriation of medieval imagery by white supremacists, the horrors of racially-motivated aggression and violence at Charlottesville over the summer, and now the online harassment of valued medievalist and activist Dorothy Kim, the Canadian Society of Medievalists wishes to publicly register its condemnation of racism and white supremacism in its various forms and its desire to see medieval studies move forward as a field to address its problematic relationship with the structures of white nationalism.

    If you have not already, we urge you to read the collective statement by the Medievalists of Color who responded to recent controversies in our field over the summer. The Society of Medieval Feminist ScholarshipThe Medieval Academy of America and The New Chaucer Society have also issued responses to the uncivil discourse of recent days. 

    The Canadian Society of Medievalists

  • 10 Aug 2017 8:21 AM | Anonymous

    Congratulations to Levi Roach! He won the Margaret Wade Labarge prize for his book Aethelred the Unready(Yale UP, 2016). For details on the winning book, see below.

    From the publisher:

    An imaginative reassessment of Æthelred "the Unready," one of medieval England’s most maligned kings and a major Anglo-Saxon figure

    The Anglo-Saxon king Æthelred "the Unready" (978–1016) has long been considered to be inscrutable, irrational, and poorly advised. Infamous for his domestic and international failures, Æthelred was unable to fend off successive Viking raids, leading to the notorious St. Brice’s Day Massacre in 1002, during which Danes in England were slaughtered on his orders. Though Æthelred’s posthumous standing is dominated by his unsuccessful military leadership, his seemingly blind trust in disloyal associates, and his harsh treatment of political opponents, Roach suggests that Æthelred has been wrongly maligned. Drawing on extensive research, Roach argues that Æthelred was driven by pious concerns about sin, society, and the anticipated apocalypse. His strategies, in this light, were to honor God and find redemption. Chronologically charting Æthelred’s life, Roach presents a more accessible character than previously available, illuminating his place in England and Europe at the turn of the first millennium.

    Levi Roach is lecturer at the University of Exeter, and formerly a junior research fellow at St John’s College, Cambridge. He lives in Exeter, UK.

  • 4 Apr 2017 11:03 PM | Andrew Klein

    The "Medievalist of the Month" feature is currently on hiatus while we focus on some updates to the CSM website. To contribute to Medievalist of the Month in the future, please contact!

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