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Conferences and CFPs

  • 15 Oct 2021 12:29 PM | David Watt (Administrator)

    Florilegium is currently seeking proposals for a special issue devoted to Food to be guest edited by Allison Fizzard. Proposals (c. 250 words) and enquiries regarding this issue should be sent to by 31 October 2021.  For accepted proposals, full essays will be expected by 30 May 2022.

    Scholarship from all related disciplines and conceptual/theoretical frameworks is welcome; interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged.  The journal is particularly interested in research that addresses non-western traditions and perspectives, as well as work that focuses on marginalized communities and/or issues.

    Submissions are refereed double-blind by international and Canadian specialists. Manuscripts submitted for consideration must not contain any indication of authorship. Contributors need not be members of the Canadian Society of Medievalists / Société canadienne des médiévistes. 

    Manuscripts, written in English or French, should be submitted electronically as Microsoft Word documents to the journal management system:

    Florilegium’s website at the University of Toronto Press can be found at 

    Florilegium’s Open Access website (for vols. 1-29) can be found here:

    General enquiries about the journal are always welcome: those interested should contact David Watt directly at

    Florilegium recherche actuellement les soumissions pour un volume spécial consacré à la nourriture qui sera édité par Allison Fizzard. Les propositions (environs 250 mots) et les demandes de renseignements concernant ce volume doivent être envoyées à avant le 31 octobre 2021. Pour les propositions acceptées, les essais complets sont attendus d’ici le 30 mai 2022.

    Les travaux de toutes les disciplines et cadres conceptuels ou théoriques appropriés sont bienvenus et les approches interdisciplinaires sont encouragées. La revue est particulièrement intéressée à promouvoir la recherche concernant les traditions et les perspectives non occidentales de même que les travaux dédiés à des communautés ou des questions marginalisées. 

    Les soumissions sont évaluées par des pairs, à double insu, par des spécialistes canadiens ou de l’étranger. Les manuscrits d’articles soumis pour considération ne doivent comprendre aucune indication pouvant permettre d’identifier l’auteur. Les auteurs n’ont pas à être membres de la Société. 

    Les manuscrits d’articles, en français ou en anglais, seront soumis, sous format Microsoft Word, de manière électronique par le biais du système d’administration de la revue :  

    Le site web de Florilegium à l'University of Toronto Press se trouve à l'adresse suivante : 

    Le site web en libre accès de Florilegium (pour les volumes 1-29) se trouve ici :

    Les demandes de renseignements d’ordre général sur la revue sont toujours bienvenues : les personnes intéressées doivent contacter David Watt directement à

  • 9 Sep 2021 8:10 AM | Siobhain Calkin (Administrator)

    Call for Papers: Special Issue of the Journal of the International Arthurian Society on Arthurian Medievalism

    The Journal of the International Arthurian Society (JIAS) welcomes submissions for a special issue (2022, volume 10) on Arthurian medievalism, or post-medieval adaptations, re- imaginings and recreations of medieval Arthurian texts, artefacts and spaces (real or imagined). The guest editors seek especially interdisciplinary and co-disciplinary explorations of how Arthurian myth makes meaning in a range of media, including (but not limited to) literary texts, television, film, games, visual arts, architecture, commodity culture, experiential medievalism, the heritage sector, and geographical spaces.

    Submissions from all categories of scholars, including postgraduate students, early career researchers and independent scholars are welcome, as are submissions from non-members of the Society.

    Submissions must be between 7,000 and 10,000 words (inclusive of footnotes) and must follow the guidelines for submission for JIAS, which follow the MHRA style guide. Submissions (essay, short bio and abstract) should be sent electronically to the guest editors of the special issue, Dr Renée Ward ( and Dr Andrew Elliott (, no later than 30 November 2021.

  • 30 Aug 2021 10:00 AM | David Watt (Administrator)

    Florilegium is an international, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the study of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages (c. 500-1500) broadly defined from a geographic and cultural perspective. The journal is currently seeking proposals for a special issue devoted to music to be guest edited by James V. Maiello. Proposals (c. 250 words) and enquiries regarding this issue should be sent to by 15 January 2022.  For accepted proposals, full essays will be expected by 30 September 2022.

    Scholarship from all related disciplines and conceptual/theoretical frameworks is welcome; interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged.  The journal is particularly interested in research that addresses non-western traditions and perspectives, as well as work that focuses on marginalized communities and/or issues.

    Submissions are refereed double-blind by international and Canadian specialists. Manuscripts submitted for consideration must not contain any indication of authorship. Contributors need not be members of the Canadian Society of Medievalists / Société canadienne des médiévistes. 

    Manuscripts, written in English or French, should be submitted electronically as Microsoft Word documents to the journal management system. Articles should normally not exceed 8,000-9,000 words, including footnotes, and should be formatted according to Chicago style. The journal also welcomes short articles on topics of interest to the members (e.g., medieval resources, methods, etc.) Papers may be written in either English or French. A brief abstract (one or two sentences) should be included with the submission.

    Florilegium’s website at the University of Toronto Press can be found at 

    Florilegium’s Open Access website (for vols. 1-29) can be found here:

    General enquiries about the journal are always welcome: those interested should contact David Watt directly at

  • 31 Jul 2021 2:51 AM | Anonymous


    The Green Knight (2021): Key Critical Perspectives (A Roundtable)

    The International Society for the Study of Medievalism (ISSM) invites submissions for a sponsored roundtable on David Lowery’s film The Green Knight (2021) for the 57thInternational Congress on Medieval Studies, which will take place online from Monday 9 May to Saturday 14 May 2022.

    This roundtable seeks participants to identify and discuss an element of Lowery’s long-anticipated film, staring Dev Patel. In short presentations (10 minutes), panelists are invited to consider an element of the film in light of a focal keyword inspired by Medievalism: Key Critical Terms (2014), including: archive, authenticity, authority, Christianity, co-disciplinarity, continuity, feast, gender, genealogy, gesture, gothic, heresy, humor, lingua, love, memory, middle, modernity, monument, myth, play, power, presentism, primitive, purity, race, reenactment, resonance, simulacrum, spectacle, transfer, trauma, and troubadour. 


    Submissions of 250-300 WORDS should be made via the Confex Online Systemno later than Wednesday 15 September 2021.This session is listed under “Session Selection: Roundtables.” 

    Queries about the session can be sent to Valerie Johnson ( and/or Renée Ward (

  • 4 Jan 2021 4:15 PM | Anonymous
    Convergences 2021 is the inaugural Graduate History Conference co-hosted by the graduate history associations at York University and the University of Toronto.  

    Please find attached our call for papers and please share it widely. We are looking for relevant submissions from all levels of graduate students and academics. Interdisciplinary scholarship is encouraged.

    We are accepting both individual submissions as well as those from completed panels.

    Our conference will run from 28-30 April 2021, it will be held entirely online and the theme is Confronting Crisis: Writing History in Uncertain Times.  

    Our kindest regards and happy new year,

    The Convergences 2021 Team

    Call for Papers
    Confronting Crisis: Writing History in Uncertain Times

    History is punctuated by periods of crisis that change the fundamental structures of a society. Moments of historical change have wide-reaching consequences that can be anticipated or may be only visible in hindsight. Crises, too, can range from a single event to multi-year, multi-level phenomena. In an age where we are confronting our own multiple crises, it is more important than ever to consider how we as historians deal with crises.

    This conference explores the concept of crisis in history and in historical practice. How do historians write history during moments of turmoil and upheaval? What is the aftermath of crises? How can crises be properly represented in history?

    This three-day symposium is the inaugural Convergences: York-University of Toronto Graduate History Conference. Held from 28-30 April 2021, this conference will be virtual due to COVID-19. Sessions will be distributed over three days to accommodate speaker schedules, time zones, and mitigate Zoom fatigue.

    We welcome submissions that address the concept of crisis, both as a methodology for writing history and in historical context. Possible subjects can include, but are not limited to:
    • Confronting crises of race, religion, and otherness
    • Anti-Black racism as a social crisis
    • Genocide and population collapse
    • Natural disasters and their aftermath
    • The politics of resource access in crises
    • Disease and disease management in history
    • Manufactured Crisis (economic, technological, political)
    • War and its effects in society
    • Crises in social structures (race, gender, sexuality)
    • Protesting, police, and the carceral system
    • Critiques of the use of crisis in periodization
    • Writing history in the time of COVID and BLM
    We invite graduate students (MA and PhD) in history and related disciplines to submit proposals that address the issue of crisis, broadly construed, in history. Presentations should be 20 minutes in length, and will be followed by a Q&A period. For individual papers or completed panels, please complete the Google Form ( with your title, abstract (250 words), and brief bio by 1 February 2021. Completed panels will also be accepted. Please indicate in the Google form if you are submitting as part of a completed panel.

    Accepted submissions will be notified by email by 15 March 2021.

    If you have any questions, please direct emails to Angela Zhang at For more information, visit us at and @CYUT21 on Twitter.

    Appel à contributions
    Confrontant les crises : L’écriture de’histoire pendant des temps d’incertitudes

    L’histoire est marquée par des périodes de crise qui changent les structures fondamentales de la société. Les moments phares de l’histoire ont des conséquences qui peuvent être anticipées ou leurs effets ne sont pas toujours évidents qu’en rétrospective. Les crises peuvent aussi varier d’un seul événement à celles qui croisent des années et qui agissent comme des phénomènes de la multiplicité. Pendant ce temps, où nous confrontons nos propres crises, il est plus important que jamais à considérer comment les historiens gèrent des crises.

    Ce colloque examine le concept de crise dans l’histoire et les pratiques historiques. Comment est-ce que les historiens écrivent pendant des moments de douleur et de bouleversement ? Quel est le contrecoup des crises ? Est-il possible de vraiment représenter les crises dans l’histoire ?

    Ce symposium est l’inaugurale Convergences : York-University of Toronto Graduate History Conference. Étant donné la situation présente du COVID-19, le colloque virtuel aura lieu du 28 au 30 avril 2021. Les séances seraient distribuées sur trois jours afin d’accueillir l’horaire des
    conférencières, de multiples fuseaux horaires et pour éviter la fatigue de Zoom.

    Nous accueillons ouvertement des propositions qui s’adressent le concept de crise soit comme une méthodologie de l’écriture de l’histoire ou comme contexte historique. Les sujets possibles incluent, mais ne sont pas limités, à :
    • Confronter des crises de race, de religion et d’altérité
    • Le racisme Anti-Black comme crise sociale
    • Le génocide et l’effondrement de la population
    • Les catastrophes naturelles et leurs conséquences
    • Les politiques de l’accès aux ressources pendant les crises
    • Les maladies et leur gestion historique
    • Les crises manufacturées (économique, technologique et politique)
    • La guerre et ces effets sur la société
    • Les crises sociales de race, de genre ou du sexe
    • Les manifestations, la police, et le système carcéral
    • Critiques de l’utilisation du concept de la crise dans la périodisation
    • L’écriture de l’histoire pendant la période de COVID et BLM
    Nous invitons tous les étudiants aux cycles supérieurs en histoire, ou associés à la discipline, à soumettre des propositions portant sur le thème de crise, qui est interprété d’une manière large en histoire. Les présentations devraient être 20 minutes et seront suivies par une période de questions. Les propositions individuelles doivent être soumises par le biais du Google Form
    (, indiquant votre titre, un résumé de 250 mots et une courte biographie, au plus tard du 1 février 2021. Notre comité accepte aussi des propositions pour des panels complètes. S’il vous plaît, indiquez si vous êtes membre d’un panel complet lorsque vous remplissez le formulaire.

    Nous communiquerons nos décisions, par courriel, le 15 mars 2021.

    Si vous avez des questions, contactez Angela Zhang à Pour en savoir plus, vous pouvez nous trouver sur le site et sur Twitter @CYUT21.

  • 16 Nov 2020 8:39 AM | Siobhain Calkin (Administrator)

    Check out the revised CFP for the CSM annual conference in 2021 /  Voyez le nouvel Appel à contributions pour notre rencontre annuelle 2021  ici / here!

  • 13 Oct 2020 8:20 AM | Kathy Cawsey (Administrator)



    46th Annual New England Medieval Conference, Virtual Meeting 

    Thursday, December 3, 2020 


    Keynote Speaker: 

    Geraldine Heng, The University of Texas at Austin 

     “The Politics of Race in the European Middle Ages” 




    With the world-wide resurgence of anti-racist activism following the killing of George Floyd, we as medievalists feel compelled to reexamine notions of race in the pre-modern period. Can speaking of “race” in the Middle Ages help us today? How was race conceived in the Middle Ages? Did race already dictate the lives of men and women in medieval Europe? To what extent did race and religion overlap in the Middle Ages? We invite medievalists of all disciplines and specializations to explore these and other questions relating to the topic of race. We welcome papers that deal with the origins and development of race from a variety of different perspectives. We are likewise very interested in essays focusing on the treatment of race without medieval Western Europe. 


    Please send an abstract of 250 words and a recent CV to Meriem Pagès ( Please make sure to provide your name and full professional affiliation (institution and level of study) in your proposal. Abstracts are due October 15, 2020.

  • 24 Sep 2020 2:36 PM | Marc Cels

    Registration is now open!

    Masculinities in the Premodern World: Continuities, Change, and Contradictions
    12-14 November 2020

    The past twenty-five years have witnessed a bourgeoning of studies on sexuality and gender in the pre-modern world. In particular, men and masculinities have received considerable attention. Building on the theoretical perspectives provided by feminism, Foucault, and cultural studies, the study of men and masculinities is increasingly theoretically inflected and sophisticated. Studies have encompassed questions pertaining to men of various social statuses, secular and ecclesiastical, as portrayed in historical, literary, philosophical, theological, and art historical sources among others.

    The conference, sponsored by the Toronto Renaissance and Reformation Colloquium (TRRC), seeks to locate the study of premodern men and masculinities in its current richness and complexity. 

    Papers will be presented by over 70 scholars from 6 countries.

    Because of Covid-19 travel restrictions, the conference will take place virtually via Zoom.  

    The conference will open on the evening of Thursday, 12 November, with a plenary address by Professor Patricia Simons (U of Michigan) on “Marked Differences: The Beard in Renaissance Europe”. We are pleased to say that this opening address is co-sponsored with the Royal Ontario Museum and is part of their 2020-21 "ROM Speaks" series. 

    The conference will continue on Zoom, all day Friday and Saturday, 13-14 November. 

    To register for the conference, or to consult the conference program and read the abstracts for all the papers to be presented, please visit the conference web page at:

    Attendance is limited. Please register soon to avoid disappointment. Registration will close on 30 October or earlier if the attendance limit is reached before then.

  • 15 Jun 2020 7:11 AM | Anonymous

    An international symposium in the field of literary studies will take place under the auspices of the German Research Foundation (DFG) at the Villa Vigoni from September 27 to October 2, 2021. In the planned symposium, lyrical migrational processes situated in the periods around 1300, around 1800 or spanning both periods will be elaborated upon. Inner-lyrical migrations (between different genres of lyric poetry, languages, cultures) will be considered alongside processes of exchange and migration with other literary genres and non-literary discursive formations. The symposium is structured by the following four sections, which examine in greater detail (1) semantic transformations, (2) epistemic migrational processes in the context of lyric poetry’s claims of value, (3) the question of the universality or historicity of lyrical forms and (4) the materiality and mediality of lyrical migrations.

    Especially younger scholars (however generally not doctoral candidates) are requested to communicate their interest in participating and a proposed topic (max. 1 page) to the organizers of the symposium by September 1, 2020.

    The specific requirements can be found here.

  • 16 Apr 2020 3:21 PM | Marc Cels

    We are a unit within CBC Radio that chases and produces interviews for our many radio programs across the country (mainly morning and afternoon shows). So guests on any particular topic speak with a series of stations over a "window" of time (for example, 6-9am or 2:30-6:30 pm Eastern Time), same topic, different hosts asking versions of the same questions.

    We are pondering a short series detailing disasters and calamities of the past, what happened, what was learned from them (if anything!), and how history can inform our present.

    Immediately to mind, of course, are events like the Black Death.  But history is full of incidents that are not necessarily plagues and disease driven ... but had a significant effect on the world, or North America, or Canada.

    I kinda hear this as a "Let me tell you a story about what happened way back in ...."  I know that's a very simplified version of what you folks study and write about ... but we have to program our content for a very wide and diverse listenership.

    Right now, we would not be able to offer compensation.  But the scope of CBC radio is vast, with many of our programs across Canada being overwhelmingly #1 in terms of listenership.

    So if you have a pitch to make ... please send your idea to me:

    Thank you,

    Nathan Swinn Senior Producer CBC Radio Syndication 

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