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MS 61, fol 1v, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

News and Announcements

  • 9 Sep 2019 4:02 PM | Marc Cels
    2019 fall events at Toronto's Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies have been posted at:

  • 29 Aug 2019 12:10 PM | Marc Cels

    Call for Nominations: Vice President, Advisory Board Members, Public Relations Officer

    The Canadian Society of Medievalists welcomes nominations for the following officers, with terms beginning June 15 2020. A list of society officers can be found at:

    Please direct inquiries to the chair of the nomination committee, Marc B. Cels (

    1 Vice President: a two-year term followed by a two-year term as president, and a 2-year term as past president

    4 Advisory Board Members (two-year terms)

    1 Public Relations Officer (two-year term)

  • 28 Aug 2019 10:03 PM | Marc Cels

    Margaret Wade Labarge Book Prize / Prix Margaret Wade Labarge

    Canadian Society of Medievalists/ Société Canadienne des Médiévistes

    Call for submissions.

    Any book in the field of medieval studies (including monographs, editions, translations, and other categories as determined by the Prize Committee), authored or co-authored, translated or co-translated, edited or co-edited, etc. (the test being at least 50% participation) by a Canadian or someone resident in Canada. Edited collections of essays are not eligible. (

    The deadline for the Labarge prize 2020 (books published in 2019) will be February 28, 2020.

    3 copies of eligible books should be sent to the postal address / 3 exemplaires de livres admissibles doivent être envoyées à l'adresse de courrier:

    Dr Shannon McSheffrey
    Department of History, LB-1001
    Concordia University
    1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
    Montreal, Quebec  CANADA  H3G 1M8


    Tout livre dans le domaine des études médiévales (y compris les monographies , éditions , traductions , et d'autres catégories telles que déterminées par le Comité du Prix), l'auteur ou le co -auteur , traduits ou co- traduits , édités ou co- édités , etc. ( le test étant la participation d'au moins 50%) par un résident canadien ou une personne au Canada. Recueils édités d'essais ne sont pas admissibles. (

    La date d'échéance du Prix Labarge 2020 (livres publiés en 2019) est le 28 Février, 2020.

    3 exemplaires de livres admissibles doivent être envoyées à l'adresse de courrier:

    Dr Shannon McSheffrey
    Department of History, LB-1001
    Concordia University
    1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
    Montreal, Quebec  CANADA  H3G 1M8

  • 17 Aug 2019 8:45 AM | Marc Cels

    Does your institution offer a program in Medieval Studies of any sort—major, minor, degrees, certificates, post-docs, etc.? Please visit the website of the Canadian Society of Medievalists ( and check the “Medieval Studies in Canada” tab: send any updates to Marc Cels (

  • 17 Aug 2019 8:05 AM | Marc Cels

    Ronald Lvovski, University of York (Toronto) was award the 2019 Leonard Boyle Dissertation Prize for his 2018 York University (Toronto) dissertation, Building Context: the Church of San Julián de los Prados and Medieval Architecture in the Kingdom of Asturias (718-910). According to the chair of the Boyle Prize Committee, Prof. Michael Treschow (UBC-Okanagan):

    Ronald Lvovski’s dissertation investigates “the date, patronage and style of the church of San Julián de los Prados within a broad medieval context.” His close architectural reading of this structure leads him to what he calls an unexpected conclusion: “that the church in question was indeed built by Alfonso II between 812 and 842, yet it is an altogether different building than the one dedicated to SS Julián and Basilissa in the chronicles.” His reading is based on a very detailed exploration of the broader context of this church, “both within the Iberian Peninsula and beyond its medieval borders.” By broader context, he means religious, cultural, and political trends. For although this dissertation is primarily a study of architecture, Lvovski’s work is informed by post-colonialist and acculturation methodology.  The buildings that Lvovski analyzes are, as one of his reviewers explained, consequential: “they are among our most important witnesses to the practice of architecture in Western Europe in the period between Antiquity and the Romanesque revival of the 11th century,” and adds that Lvovski’s work has enormous “potential for making an important new contribution to international scholarship.” Lvovski’s wide-ranging and thoroughly researched analysis offers a comprehensive overview of early medieval Iberian cultural evolution.

    Our annual dissertation prize is awarded to a deserving doctoral thesis in any field of medieval studies submitted by a Canadian or someone resident in Canada. The prize honours the memory of the late Fr. Boyle (1923-1999), fellow of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Toronto). More information on the Boyle Dissertation Prize can be found in the Prizes section of the CSM website.

    La Société Canadienne des Médiévistes est heureuse d’annoncer le gagnant du prix de thèse Leonard Boyle, récompensant une thèse de qualité exceptionnelle en études médiévales (tous champs confondus), rédigée par un canadien, une canadienne ou une personne résidant au Canada.

  • 17 Aug 2019 8:02 AM | Marc Cels

    Congratulations to James Grier, who was awarded his second Labarge Prize this year for his Ademarus Cabannensis, Monachus et Musicus (Brepols, 2018). The prize committee, chaired by Michael Kightly (University of Louisiana at Lafayette), was particularly impressed with the depth of the book’s research and the strength of its methodology. As one reviewer described it, “this book is an intensive paleographical study of the musical hand of Ademar de Chabannes, a monk of St. Martial de Limoges and a significant figure in medieval music. Perhaps the greatest strength of Grier’s book is the overall quality of the scholarship and its thoroughness … It is an exquisite example of rigorous paleographic research, articulated clearly and argued convincingly.” Our book prize honours the memory of the Society’s first president. For more information on our prize and a list of past winners, please visit the Prizes section of the CSM website.

  • 16 Aug 2019 8:51 AM | Marc Cels

    Congratulations to Nora Thorburn, winner of the 2019 Student Presentation Prize for her paper,  “Pro myrrae troclidite: The influence of material medica substitution lists in medical recipes in the ninth century,” presented at our 2019 Annual Meeting in Vancouver. Nora Thorburn is a student of Nicholas Everett at the University of Toronto's Centre for Medieval Studies. 

  • 2 Aug 2019 11:02 AM | Marc Cels

    Dear All: I am happy to announce that the SMFS Book Committee is accepting submissions for the 2020 First Book of Feminist Scholarship on the Middle Ages. We are soliciting submissions of first monographs in any area of medieval studies. Nominated books should represent the best first monographs of feminist medieval scholarship published AND with a copyright date in 2018 or 2019.

    The prize (an award of $500), will be announced in the spring, and formally awarded at the SMFS reception at the Kalamazoo International Medieval Congress in May of 2018. Self-nominations are acceptable; presses may nominate more than one title.

    Please arrange for TWO copies (preferably paper copies) of each nominated book to be sent to SMFS President, Dr. Linda Mitchell, at the address below, along with a letter of application that summarizes the book’s merits and its contribution to feminist scholarship. The deadline for nominations and receipt of books to be considered is Friday, 18 October 2019.  Please note that if your book is copyrighted for 2020, you should wait for the next iteration of this contest, in two years.

    Please send all submissions (remember: two copies!) to:

    Dr. Linda Mitchell

    7559 Walnut Street

    Kansas City, MO 64114


    If you have an e-book version of your book available to send, please make sure that it can be duplicated so that everyone on the committee is able to read the book, and that it is not owner- or password-protected.  Please also remember that sending proofs of a book that is as yet unpublished might be a violation of copyright law, so if that is what you have available, you must check with the publisher to make sure that the use of the proofs for the purposes of the prize contest is acceptable to them. Please also note that the SMFS Advisory Board’s Book Committee has limited numbers of members with fluency in (modern) languages other than English, so if you are interested in submitting a monograph in a language other than English please do send a query BEFORE sending the book so that we can see if we have members available to read and assess it.

    Thank you for your consideration,

    Linda E. Mitchell, PhD

    Martha Jane Phillips Starr Missouri Distinguished Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies

    Professor of History

    Past Chair, UMKC Faculty Senate

    President, Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship

    Cockefair Hall 223A

    816-235-5728 ext. 5

  • 18 Jul 2019 8:30 PM | Anonymous

    Each year the Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d’histoire offers the Linda F. Dietz Prize — $500 and publication of the winning article. The Linda F. Dietz prize is awarded to the best submission written in either French or English by a Canadian graduate student. The article must incorporate original research and meet the scholarly standards of the CJH/ACH. There are no chronological or geographical limits on the content; we welcome submissions from all fields of historical study. Submissions are assessed by the editor to evaluate eligibility prior to double-blind peer review.

    Deadline: August 15

    Chaque année, la revue Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d’histoire décerne le prix Linda F. Dietz : 500$ et la publication de l’article choisi. Le prix Linda F. Dietz est attribué au meilleur article écrit en français ou en anglais par un étudiant canadien ou une étudiante canadienne dans un programme de maîtrise ou de doctorat. L'article doit incorporer de la recherche originale qui satisfait aux normes savantes du CJH/ACH. Le contenu des articles ne sera limité ni chronologiquement, ni géographiquement. Nous invitons des soumissions portant sur tous les domaines de l'histoire. Avant d'être jugés en double aveugle par un comité des pairs, les articles seront évalués par le rédacteur pour vérifier leur admissibilité.

    Date limite: 15 août

    Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d’histoire
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  • 24 Jun 2019 7:29 AM | Marc Cels

    Viking Days at the Danish Canadian Museum, 17- 18 August 2019, 10:00am to 5:00 PM daily, near Dickson, Alberta (90 minutes from Calgary).

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